3 spring onions (lenteuitjes) in small rings
1 red chillipepper in thin rings without seeds
2 red paprikas in long thin strips
1 onion in thin rings
1 toe of garlic cut to fine pieces
15 leaves of basil (fresh)
300 gr thin egg noodles (conimex or soubry)
300 gr chicken fillet in stips of

5 el chicken broth from tablet
4 el unsalted peanuts roughly cut
2 el arachide oil
1 tl djahe (ginger, conimex)
2 tl curry (kerrie)
1/2 tl cayenne pepper
pepper from the mill
Cook the noodles with salt according to the instruction on the pack.
Heat up the oil in a large pan and bake the chicken light brown.
Take the baked chicken out of the pan.
Bake in the remaining oil the chillipepper, garlic, djahe and onion for 4 min.
Add paprika and spring onion and bake for 4 min.
Add curry and cayenne pepper and put chicken back in pan.
Add the noodles and the broth.
Heat the whole dish on low fire an extra 5 min.
Bring to taste with salt and pepper.
Before serving, add peanuts and trim with basil.
Nice with prawn crackers (kroepoek).
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