Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Starparty Netersel, last Saturday 27-8-2011

Last Saturdaynight the weather was very dubious, we still decided to go observing at Netersel, despite the clouds. Two other guys from the astroforum joined me on that night. Despite the clouds we were able to do some moderate observing. I was also able to explain many issues regarding telescopes etc. to the newcomers.
This is the list of objects observed, most observations were done with the 33mm William optics SWAN (giving 30x magnification) in my 200mmF5 Newtonian reflector.
- The Andromeda nebula (M31), together with its M32 and M110 neighboring galaxies in 1 view.
- NGC869/884 Double cluster in Perseus
- The Triangulum galaxy M33, very big and very weak
- M71 globular cluster near Sagitta in the 8mm Hyperion (125x)
- M27 Dumbbell nebula (planetary nebula), very clearly visible
- M45 Pleiades, just fitting in the field of view.
- M57 Ring nebula with the 8mm Hyperion (125x), very clearly visible
- Comet C2009/P1 Garrad, visible as a small, slightly ellipsoid nebula.
- M37 Open cluster in Auriga with the 8mm Hyperion (125x)
And then the "object of the night":
- NGC6960 "Witches broom" in the Veil nebula around star 52 Cygni. This nebula is a supernova remnant. I was nevel able to clearly see this nebula. I needed the Baader Ultra high contrast, narrowband (UHC-S) filter to see the brightest filament on one side of 52 Cygni. On the other side I also saw hints of nebulae, this was only visible by looking periphery.

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