Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bino observing

Now and then the clouds opened, but sometimes it was still raining now and then. I decided to observe with my 10x50 bino.....With that I can hop in and out of the house in a flash and still do some observing.
I started around 1930hrs, temperature 2.7C seeing: bad.
M42 Orion Nebula: nicely visible just between the 2 groups of stars (they form a straight line with M42). By looking periphery the nebula became slightly bigger.
M36 & M38 (Auriga): these star clusters were visible as weak nebulae.
M45 Pleiades: nice and beautiful open star cluster. Nebulae not visible. Fits the FOV (field of view) in my bino nicely.
After that some clouds came in and after a while the whole sky was covered in it: so I hopped quickly inside the house.
2215hrs, temperature 1.8C Seeing: average
M44: Praesepe beehive cluster. Nice open star cluster, comes out of the background. Stars of almost the same magnitude. Fits easily in the FOV of the bino.
Clouds again, so I hopped inside the house.
2236hrs, temperature 1.4C Seeing: good (despite the almost full moon that just rose above the horizon)
M37 (Auriga) & M35: visible as very faint nebulae. Directly visible.
Mel 25 Hyades in Taurus: very open star cluster. It consist of more sub-groups.
After that I observed Saturn (between Leo and the moon).
So: I could still do some (unexpected) observing......

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