Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Comet 17P/Holmes outburst

Yesterday evening I was searching for NGC1491, but at a sudden moment I caught a "strange" nebula in my 10x50 binoculars. I aimed the scope and saw this (strange) picture. After first realizing it was something special I found on the internet that it is comet 17P/Holmes.
17P/Holmes is a periodic comet in our solar system. It has been discovered by the British amateur astronomer Edwin Holmes on 6 november 1892. End of October 2007 this comet had a "outburst". It's lightstrength (magnitude) changed in a few hours from magnitude 17 (very faint) to magitude 2 (well visible to the naked eye). This is an increase of 400.000x in visibility.
The comet is still visible to the naked eve, and it looks like this in 10x50 binoculars. If you wish to see it yourself use the following picture:

Look for a bright "star" in the east, in the consellation Perseus. It is sitting left of the large cluster of stars in Perseus.

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