Sunday, May 13, 2007

The day after the wedding

The guys at work gave me a very nice new camera, it's a real super-present and I'm very happy with it. This is something I wanted to buy already a long time. It's a Canon Eos 400D, and the nice thing about it is that I can re-use the big flash, the 70-300mm zoomlens, the 28-105mm zoom and remote control of my old and sturdy analog Eos 500N.
Here are some first pictures, but I still have to get used to the many high-tech features of this camera.

This is a macro of a plant standing at my mothers' house window.

Here's my big friend Rens.

Here's my lovely Marion with Amber

Here's a "Roodborstje" that caught a fly for her little ones......

This is our rabbit "Snoopy".

We got a few loafs of bread with money inside, here's Marion, trying to find it.

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