Wednesday, September 01, 2010

NGC7635 Bubble nebula with the modified webcam

This is NGC 7635, better known as the Bubble nebula. I wanted to try my modified webcam again on deepsky objects. This is a combination of 10 90sec exposures with my SC3 modded SPC900 (fitted with ICX-424 B/W CCD) in the primary focus of my 200mmF5 Newtonian. Autoguiding was done with a separate 90mmF10 fitted with a standard TouCam webcam.

1 comment:

Neil Bates said...

Nice, and I've hardly heard of it - must be faint or would (?) have been talked about in the older books I read in youth, 60s-70s etc. BTW I have some interesting thoughts on physics and philosophy, drop by if interested.