Sunday, November 23, 2008

Night out with the small refractor

Now and then I also like to go out with my small 90cm refractor. Especially on nights with clouds and danger of rain (in this case snow!). When it starts I am inside with the telescope in a few seconds. I am always amazed how many beautiful things that I can see with this small telescope. Here is the report of last night:
Outside temperature: 1.5C with 90cmF10
M45 Pleiades (7 sisters): very beautiful in the 32mm Televue plossl (at 28x all stars in vision)
M57: Ring nebula in Lyra. fairly visible with the 8mm Hyperion (at 112x)
M36: Open star cluster in Auriga. Nicely visible with the 8mm (at 112x)
Melotte 25: Hyades open cluster in Taurus Hyaden. Nice with 32mm (at 28x)
@2057hrs a bright meteor showed up. It went from Casseiopeia into Hercules with a long white line behind it which glowed for 1sec. At the end, just before it went out, it showed a small sidewinder.
Then the clouds came and I had to go inside. At 2300hrs it was bright again, the session continued:
M42: Orion nebula, nice at 8mm (112x). Central trapezoid star cluster well visible.
M81 & M82 Galaxies in Ursa Major. Both visible with the 21mm Hyperion (at 42x). Separately also beatiful with the 8mm (at 112x). M81 shows with a central bright dot and a faint nebula around it. The cigar-like shape of M82 is also clearly visible.
All-in-all a nice night out with the small refactor!

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