A project has been started to re-commission the Takahashi Epsilon 300mm Newton for astrophotography (with the 300mm Jones-bird Newton as guidescope) for the
Halley Observatory This setup is installed on a superb Astrotechniek CP-180 mount that first has to be correctly polar aligned with drift-alignment. The mount is fitted with an FS2 goto system including a ST4 autoguiding option. Everything I need.

Here's another picture of the setup in the small observatory (the C14 on CGEM-pro is in the bigger observatory, primarily used for presentations to the public)

Here's an example of the CP-180 mount. We have to figure out how to adjust the azimuth with this mount.
Here are some specifications on the superb Takahashi Epsilon-300 astrograph:
Opening: 300mm F3.8
Focal length: 1140mm
Central obstruction: 0.36
The focal length does not scare me, I am using 1000mm now on my EQ6pro. What is very challenging to me is the collimation of a F3.8 system with the barlowed laser method.