This is the first testshot I made with the 2nd hand NEQ6 I bought a few weeks ago. It is a single frame shot of 30sec exposure at ISO800 with the Eos400d in primary focus of the 200mm Newtonian telescope. The guiding is very tight. I need to focus on collimation because that is clearly visible on this picure. The MPCC could not compensate all.

The datalogging of the autoguiding shows a much smoother running on the RA axis (the undershoot is when I touched the cam between exposures). Next step is focus on driftalignment and reducing coma.
1 comment:
Hi dutchie!
Kreeg je Blog door van Fem... Nooi geweten dat je ambities in de sterren lagen! Verborgen talenten dus... Erg interessant hoor. Groetjes vanaf d'n overkant.
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