Here's the blinking planetary (the green dot in the middle), it is a planetary nebula you only see when looking with averted vision, otherwise you see the star in front of it. This is a testexposure to see how long I could autoguide with a half moon. This is a combination of 7 20min exposures @ ISO800, corrected with 4 dark and 4 bias frames.

After studying the picture more closely I found a very small galaxy, UGC11465. It is a very small galaxy with a magnitude of 12.7. Nice that it was also on this astrophoto.

After stuying the picture more closely it became clear that I managed to capture the outer layers of the Blinking nebula, you have to look very closely to see it, it is the halo around the bright center.

I also found PGC 2384842, a very small galaxy of magnitude 16.94, this is a new deep-record for me.