When I was about 10 years old I borrowed the JWG 60mm self-built refractor of my nephew for 1 year. With that telescope the astronomy virus caught me. Here's a picture a similar one that started my hobby (the left orange one). I am not 100% sure, but I think this telescope came with a 20mm and 12.5mm huygens eyepiece. The nice thing is that my nephews daughter is now also using this telescope! So the family tradition goes on.
When I finally decided to pick-up my hobby again last year, I got a 10mm and 25mm plossl eyepiece with it. After 1 year my eyepiece collection is like this:
5mm Univerity optics orthoscopic (200x), very sharp for planetary work and clusters
5mm Baader Planetarium Hyperion (200x), sharp and wide view
8mm Baader Planetarium Hyperion (125x), sharp and wide view
10mm Vixen Lanthanium (LV) plossl (100x), a real workhorse, nice eyerelief
21mm Baader Planetarium Hyperion (47x), very sharp and a wide field of vision
25mm Skywatcher super plossl (40x), original eyepiece that came with my scope
32mm Televue plossl (31x), for searching objects and viewing large objects.
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