This evening we were invited for a real Polish meal in a very nice Polish restaurant in the woods. Here we have the bread with the fat-sauce, tastes very good.
And of course, Zurek soup for starter (what else?)
Main course: Pig leg! This was cooked/baked very well with honey and mustard sauce, tastes great.
All are fighting to eat the pig-leg away.
Dessert! Applepie with icecream.
Some are a little bit worried if there is still room for this.....

We looked at the performance here in Eindhoven, and are deeply impressed. None of us would have manged to eat all this and drink the beer. Congratulations. Peter is worried if this is all Herbalife proof.
Hoi Patrick, weet niet of ik zo commentaar kan geven op je weblog?
Ik hoor het wel van je. Is alles ok in Polen. Hier in Wintelre wel. Ga a.s. zondag vetmeten op de Wenterselse Mert met Herbalife. Wat was dat nou op je bord? Gatverdamme!!! Heb liever een shake. Hoop dat het goed met je gaat en we spreken elkaar wel weer.
Groetjes, Dianne, Pieter en een dikke kus en knuffel van Rens en Amber.
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