The last weeks there are many clouds in the evening, and also a big chance for rain. So carrying in/out the big 200mm Newton is a lot of work. I decided to put the 90mm F10 guidescope on my Gitzo photo mount, and it works perfectly. This evening, with even many clouds, was a fruitful night out. I saw M31 (andromeda nebula), M45 (pleiades), comet 17P/holmes, mars, M29 (open star cluster in cygnus), M57 (planetary nebula in Lyra, very very faint), m43 (large nebula in Orion), as well as the Alcor/Mizar double star in Ursa Major (big bear) and Beta Cygni, a double star in Cygnus (swan). So that's not bad for a refractor evening. Makes me think back of the times when I was young and was out there with the borrowed JWG 60mm telescope of my nephew. With this 90mm refractor I can see a lot more however, but not as much as with the 200mm Newton.
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