This is a very tasful (at least for most Dutch people) typical Dutch dish:
Traditional Dutch Pea Soup (also known as "erwtensoep" and "snert").
Here are the necessary
* This is a recipe for a big full pan of peasoup. Look at the big pan on the right, you really need this size, otherwise cut the ingredients in half.
1 turnip - rooted celery with leaves (knolselderij with groen)
2 leeks (prei)
1 big winter carrot (winterpeen)
1 pack of split peas (spliterwten)
4 middle sized potatoes
800-1000 gr pigmeat (rib/ham)
2 dutch smoked sausages 275 gr each
salt and pepper to taste
For together with it (typically Dutch): pumpernickel bread (roggebrood).
Preparation:* Please note: wash everything extremely well, otherwise you will get sand in the soup, and you will not like that (believe me, I've been there before).
Wash the turnip very well and cut the rind (schil) off the turnip. Cut a little bit more than necessary.
Cut the turnip into dice and wash them very thoroughly.
Wash the celery leaves very well and cut them into very small pieces.
Wash the leeks very well and cut them into rings, wash them again after that.
Take the peelings off the potatoes, cut them into dice and, again, wash very well.
Wash the split peas very well.
Was all vegetables together very well again. You don't want the sand in there.
Next, put all the vegetables into the pan, together with the meat (don't cut the meat yet, leave the sausages out, they will come later). Take a very big soup pan.
Add water until everything is under water well, leave 1cm under the top of the pan.
Bring it to cooking with the lid on. Cook it for 1.5hrs with the lid off.
Not this low fire, like with cooking broth (bouillon trekken), no, quite high fire.
It is very likely that somewhere in this process you will get green "smurry" on your stove, this is normal and unavoidable, don't care about this.
Take the meat out after 1.5hrs, and let it cool down for 30min.
Cut the meat into small pieces and take the bones out.
The soup must now have its thickness (must be thick, after this point it won't get much thicker).
Be careful that the soup will not burn to the bottom of the pan, otherwise, add some extra water to prevent this, otherwise the soup gets too thick. It must just not burn to the bottom of the pan, than it is perfect (at least, for me).
Put the meat back in the soup.
Wash the sausages under hot water from the tap and cut them into slices, put these slices also in the soup. After this, the soup is ready.

If you want it for next day, the soup must rest in the fridge for 1 night. Look out for freezing because the potatoes don't like that.
The next day you need at least 45min for heating it up again, point is: the soup burns to the pan fast, so it must be heated very slowly. No problem, just a matter of taking enough time for this.
Serve with pumpernickel bread with ham or dutch "katenspek".