This is a very nice meal for 4 persons. I cook it many times.
1 pack of Lassi fast cooking white rice (8 min. cooking time)
1 "prei", cut in small parts
300 gr. sperziebonen (green beans) cut in halves
300 gr. hamlappen (pig meat), in small parts
2 onions, cut in small parts
3 toes of garlic, pressed
1 pack of Conimex mix for nasi goreng
2 teaspoons of sambal oelek
2 spoons of ketjap manis
2 spoons of arachide oil
100 ml of water
1 teaspoons of Djintan
2 teaspoons of Koenjit
2 teaspoons of Laos
First cook the rice in a pan with a little bit of salt for 7 minutes (not 8=too long). After that, let the water out and let it cool down, stir with a fork now and then to make it loose.
In the meantime, put 100ml in a small pan on the fire until it boils, take it away from the flame and put the pack of conimex nasi mix in it, stir well.
Heat a wok or teflon big pan with the arachide oil, bake the pigmeat until it is a little bit brown. Put all vegetables (beans, prei, garlic, onion, conimex mix) and herbs (djintan, koenjit and laos) and bake well for 5 min.
After that, put the flame low and add the sambal and ketjap. Put the lid on the pan. Leave it like this for 15min.
After that, add the rice, put the flame a little bit higher and stir and bake everything well for a few minutes.
Ready, this is a very nice meal together with fresh atjar and kroepoek.
Selamat makan