Today, we are finally trying to close down the factory, but after trying to bring a lot of cupper wires to the top of the new building the elevator doesn't want to get our forklift down!
So it is stuck now at the top floor. Called Schindler, hopefully they can bypass the alarm to get our forklift down again!
Yes: after a quick round with the new owner the factory has been closed down completely!
As expected, Schindler came, saw that the lift was working, and went away again. Still leaving the forklift standing on the top floor. He will come back on monday and hopefully will call me this time.
Good news, the expert from Schindler was able to lower the lift by hand. Our forklift is FREE again!
Today v. Gansewinkel picked up many garbage. Tomorrow (Tuesday) comes Essent to switch down the power, v. Gansewinkel comes to pickup the last containers, Tromp picks up their forklift and PIT picks up the small forklift and the pallet trucks. Then, it is closed and completely finished.
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