A few weeks ago I decided to build a backyard observatory with a roll-off roof. I got a tip from a member of the Dutch www.astroforum.nl that Nick Evans from www.alexandersobservatories.com already built many of those observatories, and also a few in the Netherlands. After discussing ideas and dimensions the plans became more and more clear. Nick also provides very nice pedestals, so I decided to also order this from him. The only thing I need to prepare is the concrete block with threads for mounting the pedestal on and the base for

putting the observatory on. Easier said than done for an electrician like me. So first I started with making an accurate drawing, to get things more clear.
Last monday and tuesdayevening I prepared the template for the treads that will be put into the ground (surrounded by concrete). This evening I also drilled 12 20mm holes in the 50x50cm concrete slab that will come on top of this concrete block. It will provide a nice and flat surface for the pedestal.

This is the 8" pedestal. It can hold a C14 if necessary. It will be made by Nick Evans.