did not predict clear skies. Still it cleared up a bit around 23.00hrs. Because of that I hopped quickly in my backyard with my old and trusted 10x50 bino. Here the observation list (temperature: 8C, humidity: fair, seeing: bad (light clouds).
M45 Pleiades: beautiful and big open cluster. By looking periphery more and more background stars become visible.
M31 Andromedanebula: big and bright elliptical galaxy with bright big centre. It remains a joy to look at this beautiful deepsky object.
NGC869/884 Perseus double cluster: 2 beautiful concentrated open clusters. Beautifully together in the field of view of the bino.
M33: Galaxy is visible as a very big, but very faint nebula. Just visible by looking directly at it.
NGC663: Open cluster is visible als a small faint nebula.
NGC752: Big open cluster. By looking periphery stars start to dissolve.
M36, 37 and 38: Auriga open clusters: 3 beautiful open clusters, visible as small faint nebulae.
M81 and M82: Both galaxies are just visible as 2 very small and very faint nebulae.
So not a bad night out. Tomorrow the weather forecasts are much better. Very clear skies are predicted, so I'm planning to photograph M76 (The Little Dumbbell).