Here's a picture I took on La Palma with a Meade 250mm/F4 Schmidt Newton and my trusted Eos400d. Because I could not get autoguiding working I could only expose for 15sec. This is a stack of 180x15sec@ISO1600.

And a crop of M27

Here I'm observing the lower regions of Scorpio through the 250mm Schmidt Newton.

We also went on top of Roque de La Muchachos where the international observatory is situated. This is a picture of the GTC, the largest telescope on the site, just before its official inauguration.

My holiday workhorse: the 250mm Meade Schmidt Newton.

We also went for a walk on the volcanoes. Here you see the Teneguia that erupted in 1971.

We also went on a boat-trip to see the Island La Palma from the sea, afther that our captain found some dolphins.....

And here you see one of the chicken that are walking around the garden next to our holiday house........