Since we left late with the airplane at 0.50hrs, we had some spare hours. We decided to go to the Po Lin monastry on Lantao Island. First we checked in our suitcases, stored our handluggage in a locker and then we went to the monastry via taxi. It was a very nice mountain road. Unfortunately the weather was very bad, much rain and wind and very cold (only 5 degr.). When we got there the taxi driver pointed: there is buddha, but there were only clouds.....
We decided to go into the monastry first and wait for better weather. Here's the inside of the monastry, very beautiful.

Here's an outside view from the monastry, the buddha is nowhere to be seen!

At the monastry is a very good vegetarian restaurant. We decided to have some snacks, and they looked as good as they tasted. Very delicious.

In december 2007 there were problems with the cable car that goes down from Ngong Ping village (next to the monastry) all the way down to Tung Chung, near the airport.
But we decided to go anyway and hope for the best.....

Here's a view on the famous Buddha from Ngong Ping village.

And a more closer look.

And from Ngong Ping village we went with the cable car all the way down to Tung Chung. Unfortunately it was very cloudy and rainy and not much to be seen....

This was the kind of weather we had today....
Here the wind and heavy rain bashing the small cable car.....

After arriving in Tung Chung we saw a new construction site where construction workers were creating a brand new anthill for people to live in........

After that we had to dry up and lounged around Hongkong airport until our plane left.