I came home late at 22.00hrs, but it was still clear, so: I quickly went outside with my 90mmF10 grab-n-go refractor. Here's the observation list:
Temp: 0.8gr.C. Seeing: average-fair
M42: beautiful deepsky object. At 112x sides of the "sword" become visible after looking periphery.
M1, FINALLY, I was searching for this object for a long time. At 28x it was visible as a weak fuzzy dot (with 32mm Televue Plossl). The strange thing is that looking periphery doesn't show more details. When I look with the 21mm Hyperion (at 42x) I cannot see a thing....
M67 Big open cluster. It just fits the field of vision of my 32mm.
M45 Pleiadels. It remains a true joy to observe this bright open star-cluster. At 28x it does not fit my field of vision completely.
Melotte 25 Hyades. I still find this open cluster a little bit arward.
And, last but not least:
NGC1647: A truly beautiful open star cluster. By looking periphery more and more background stars appear. It just fits my field of vision at 28x.
My 32mm Televue plossl is becoming a real -workhorse- for my 90mmF10 refractor. I am still amazed on how many deepsky objects I can see with this small 90mm refractor (that is really my astrophotography guidescope) with 32mm Televue plossl :D.
It has its charm, normally I am busy with an enormous amount of cables, laptop, interfaces, aligning, goto, focusing, flat-dark-biasframes etc. Just grabbing your 90mmF10 on EQ2 mount and start observing also has its charm. It doesn't have to be all high-tech to enjoy this beautiful hobby!